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We are one of the few sites to list LED Lighting products in several categories for your restaurant. At RestaurantNetwork.Net we bring a value to your restaurant needs in the “LED” lighting area. We have direct contact with LED lighting design / manufacturing / architectural specialists. This is a “free” service to communicate directly with consulting staff at: LED Lighting & Design Staff / 949-872-8993 / Feel free to contact us. You should receive a reply within 48 hours. You can contact us during our office hours: Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm PST. Call us at 702-239-2007 or e-mail us at

R E S T A U R A N T  N E T W O R K S 
O U R  L E D  L I G H T I N G   P R O D U C T S

We offer the ability to present equipment or browse for equipment We are priced competitively, and in some cases twenty times cheaper than other web sites.  Most, if not all restaurant suppliers cannot bring their massive changing inventories to market in a timely manner.  On the flip side, most restaurateurs are always looking for the best value.  We can make it easier for suppliers and restaurateurs to view the inventory in the same location. There is no charge to view our Equipment Inventory with the “View Inventory” icon. This is a “free” service to communicate directly with the owners of the equipment to complete the transaction on your own. This is just part of the value we offer at RestaurantNetworks.  Also, check our Unit Passkey Promotion Special.

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